Wednesday, March 24, 2010

You DON'T want to drive a MERC!

This is a conscious attempt to write a comparatively smaller post. Hope it works for me. The post focuses on materialistic nature of the human mind - if you aren't materialistic ; you can stop here :)

You DON'T want to Drive a Mercedes.

When the above line is not punctuated properly or the words are not properly stressed ; they can mean differently to different people.

Somewhere it Challenges you to not to sit back and try harder to own a Mercedes. But it doesn't end here. The question is : Even if you own a MERC; would you still want to DRIVE it. Please don't consider the painful traffic; your bad driving skills to answer the question. Its much more deeper than what it appears on the surface.

I remember ; in my school days - We the gang were on a drive ; incessantly chatting and suddenly a car rushed by... no not a car... THE CAR rushed by and all of us shouted ... AUDIIIIIII!!! My GOD! it felt something.

I have a fetish for big cars. Whenever I see a Black Merc going past; even a BLACK Camry will do... I am transported into a different world all - together. A MERC is completely seductive ... and now I know what people mean when they say - Its a huge TURN ON.

Coming back to the question - Would I want to Drive a MERC? Certainly I would wish to own one ; but driving it would get a vehement NO!!!

Why ? Simply because ; certain things in life are meant just to be leisured. No matter how much de-stressing driving is for many people ; but nothing can give you a pleasure than riding a chauffeur driven Merc. These days I see a lot of Mercedes on road and I make it a point to see whether there is someone in there , apart from the person at a driving seat. And I love it when I see somebody happily reading a newspaper or working on his laptop; aloof from the world outside. He knows, everyone around has at least for once looked at him and envied him; and he enjoys it but still he pretends to be indifferent to the world outside. I wonder ; how it would feel to be there inside. Yeah ! I know the grass is greener on the other side ; its not so great in there and all that philosophy but I know for sure ; all of would want to be on the other side ; for once at least.

But! My mood completely changes when I see some-one driving it alone. May be he is the pilot of the monster or maybe he is the proud owner. It doesn't make any difference to me. I pity the guy there. I apologize for being too blunt here - But whats the point driving it all alone. Either you should have your girl-friend by your side to enjoy the lovely long drive. Or you should be at the back-seat enjoying the luxuries. MAN! you own it ; so enjoy it. Driving the other cars gives you pleasure; but when in MERC you would just want to stretch your legs or maybe sit pretty ; sipping a drink; talking to someone special over the phone or waiting to reach you destination , where jaws would drop when somebody pulls open the door for you and you step out elegantly.

I remember ; once being caught in a traffic and people were boiling owing to being stuck up. Suddenly there was honking; and when we looked back it was a Merc driver trying impatiently to make his way. One of the furious driver in the other car shouted - "Sa@!&y !! hai toh tu driver hi; Mercedes mei beith key taup samajh raha hai khud ko" . The honking stopped. I assume he wasn't a chauffeur since he wasn't dressed as one. Maybe he was the owner; maybe the driver but somewhere the onslaught must have pinched him.
When you drive a MERCEDES; your status is decided seeing where you sit.
 Such is this world. Maybe I am too materialistic by making such a statement ; but its the truth. I personally would prefer my BIG CAR to be driven by someone ( no matter how possessive I am about the beauty) else I am better off riding in my office bus. I get to learn life from there by watching the traffic move.

Somethings in LIFE are meant to be watched ; sitting back; sipping the strong coffee and enjoying the flow. One of them is a chauffeur driven Mercedes. There is something else I rate higher than this pleasure - Taking a long long walk with my beloved and watching the sunset. It means much more. You Bet! :)

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