Wednesday, March 24, 2010

The Man in My Life

Do you believe in LOVE at first sight... I DO!! He was the first man I saw... The way he looked at me... with all the dreams in his eyes... I instantly fell for Him...

 first MAN I had ever loved is PAPA :)

He told me - "
when I first held you in my arms I had tears in my eyes..." . I cant express how special I felt when he said these words to me... I have always looked for happiness outside; ignorant of the fact... I had all the happiness in the world with me :)

By the way PAPA is very handsome ; he looks like Raj Kapoor... oh my my ... He has
 brown eyes; killer smile... innocence on his face.. and oh so cute look on his face... Most of my friends have said "Your Dad is so smart "... I bloat in Pride ... after all he is my pa... He looks too cool in that shimmering aqua blue shirt... clean shaved ... with the smell of park avenue filling the air... The royal King's walk... Mumma is so lucky... and I m sure I wont be half that lucky :(

There is something unique about him : Apart from all the good habits - like no smoking; no drinking; no non - veg... Papa has a tremendous faith in God and he doesnt hide it... Most of the guys I have come across; either dont believe in God ; and even if they do they are too shy to admit it... He hands over his entire salary to mumma.. I can bet no guys would do that...Men love to be in control... and even amazing is that ; he is still in so much control...

He is conservative in his own way -
 staunch belief in traditions; stringent rules and strong values make my father... He has never compromised on quality of his life... this quality doesnt mean a lavish lifestyle... it means no compromise on honesty; loyalty; truth and faith... and he has given this to me as a legacy...

I have always thought of him as a difficult person ... but I have always been wrong in my way of interpreting him... though he isnt too supportive of my views ; of the way I think and do things... He feels I am rebellious , aggressive and too modern... BUT he has never tried to stop me... He is vocal about what he feels... but
 he has LET ME BE ME...I have always felt that he wont allow me to this; he wont let me do that... and every time im in for a surprise... He has always given me what I wanted.. though he never showed it... Thanks PAPA... though we dont formally exchange thanks and sorry... but Im really lucky to have u as my father...

It makes my heart ache ; when I see you
 sacrificing small things in life... just to make us happy.. just to make us successful... I have always seen you saying... he has a camry.. he lives in a posh location... he wears armani... BUT I HAVE THE BEST CHILDREN...its important for me to make my children successful... You have made us DREAM BIG... AIM BIG... and I wish to make your dreams come true...

You have shared your success... your mistakes... everything... so sportingly... and you have ensured that we learn from them... you have aimed for perfection ... be it my marks in Maths... or the way I give you a glass of water... You have always tried to make me a smart girl... (and maybe somewhere I have let you down... :( )

You have been
 protective about me... and always worried whenever I step out of my house.... Whenever I get late... you keep standing in the balcony...constantly searching for me on the dusty road... You have scolded me for all the crap I do in my life... When I argue... we have world war in the house... and when I cry... you go in another room... and come after 5 minutes to see if I am ok...

Whenever I have been successful ...
 you make it a point to tell every-one how proud you feel about me... and you constantly ask me to be consistent without complacence ...

During the worst times of my life... You have made it a point to sit besides me saying nothing... or asking me to fight it out ... with all that I have... To pray to God... to have faith... and to believe in myself...

You bought me a dictionary when I first topped in class 1... you gifted me a watch when I turned 16 and I still cant part with it... you gifted me PC when I did well in my exams... You have cried for me when I made your dream come true... Its inexplicable in words...
 how a daughter feels... when he sees her dad cry with joy... and I must say I have had my best moments PAPA...You have celebrated my success more than me... Yet you have ensured that I remain modest...

Though there have been times of conflicts... with the difference of opinions and I know I have let you down... But I ensure you one thing... Come what may.. Il never compromise on my values... and one day Il make u proud... VERY PROUD...
HAPPY BIRTHDAY PAPA!!! may you have all the happiness in the world...

P.S. This was posted on 27 July; in my previous blog :)

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