Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Hold Me!!!

When excruciating memories intimidate the very exsistence of me
Hold Me...

When deafening silence screams in my chastising solitude
Hold Me...

When fate inflicts its scariest commands on my already slaved life
Hold Me...

When my dreams come crashing down in the realms of reality
Hold Me...

When I stand on the edge of cliff; longing to embrace the other world
Hold Me...

When whirpool of emotions drains me into lifelessness
Hold Me...

When anguish fills my heart
Hold Me...

When unbridled afflictions compel me to look away from life
Hold Me...

When destiny forbids me to dream again
Hold Me...

When pieces of broken illusion bleed my eyes
Hold Me...

When my tears turn red
Hold Me...

When ceaseless trauma exhorts me to a perpetual struggle
Hold Me...

When life appears to be a sarcasm on my wishes
Hold Me...

When shattered dreams shudders my belief in myself
Hold Me...

When I begin to question justfications of my survival
Hold Me...

When fate brings up its most intriguing challenges
Hold Me...

When the thought of calling it quits resonates in my heart and mind
Hold Me...

When my soul quivers each time it slogs to get up
Hold Me...

Hold Me when the desire of not living pushes me to death...

Hold Me...Hold Me tight... Hold Me in your arms...
before I get sucked into the void of stillness...

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