Wednesday, March 24, 2010


Greeting the day with smiles
Spirit to trudge thousands of miles
Is FREEDOM to me…
To dance crazily and giggle
To get drenched in drizzle
Is FREEDOM to me…
To love without restraints
To live without constraints
Is FREEDOM to me…

To DREAM to reach the sky
and Muster up courage to fly high
Is FREEDOM to me…

To make my voice heard
To define my own path and not follow the herd
Is FREEDOM to me…
To educate the child begging on road
To wipe the sweat of old man carrying the load
Is FREEDOM to me…
To see women walk without fear of being raped be it day or night
To see people sleep without fright
Is FREEDOM to me…

To get my work done without bribing the clerk
To see people succeed deservingly and not bcz they were born in reserved category by luck
Is FREEDOM to me…

To spend as I wish without worrying about inflation
To see politicians in news for fighting for right and not for charges of corruption
Is FREEDOM to me…
To celebrate Independence Day with aplomb
And not to be frisked in fear of a terrorist BOMB
Is FREEDOM to me…

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