Wednesday, March 24, 2010


Mother shares the relationship with child not from the time when she conceives it; but from the time she conceives the thought of being a MOTHER. The dictionary defines "mother" as a biological and/or social female parent of an offspring. How simple it is for these folks to say this.Its amazing how a mother bears the child for almost nine months; goes through about twelve hours of labour to bring a life in this world. Even in tremendous pain she has the courage to smile. I am sure the emotion(s) in child-birth must be divine.

Here follows my tribute to "
MOTHER" - synonym of LOVE...

I wont say my mummy is the best mummy in world... because whosoever gets to read this post will say "NO!! My MOM is the best"... so here goes for all dear moms...

I was born in your dreams; when you wanted to fly high; to reach for the stars... but somewhere you couldn't owing to circumsatnces..owing to life...You dreamt that day; that my daughter will do it for me...You met PAPA and then you both shared the same dream...I was born...You called me VANDITA...actually it was my grandmother who christened me...another connection with a Mother... Vandita means adorable; the one who is worshipped...What a beautiful name to start my life. It wasnt just the umbilical cord that connected me to you. It were your dreams; your passions; your experiences; your style and everything that I could grasp when I was in your womb.

And I was born a shy child; who never troubled you. I sat around quietly watching you managing the home, and you would keep talking to me though you knew I wouldnt understand. You would wake me up, dress me up like a doll and then gaze in admiration at your own creation. Everytime I messed up my face you would come running and wipe it with the corner of your "SARI". Well to be frank I dont even use my handkerchief before washing my hands and your using sari to make me look tidy again makes me feel so special.I held your hand and learnt to walk and today I stand on my feet because you taught me how to.

Everyday you would wake me up for school with a kiss and hug. Each morning you would inspire me for a new start. You would labouriosly make "paranthas" for my lunch box and sometimes the "big burger" on demand while others just brought bread-butter. I used to feel so proud during the lunch break when my friends used to surround me to have at least a look. I dont remeber whether I used to share my food, but I remember you used to make two lunch boxes so that I could treat my friends with your delicacies.I would come back from school and you would take my bag from my shoulders upto home. Lunch had to be special and heavy... AHH "Mother's Love" they say... and when it had "tinda - tourai" I always wished that the market- price would shoot - up...I hated you when you forcefully fed me those GREEN VEGETABLES (Good for Health). You would help me do the home-work and relentlessly demanded that I improve my handwriting... SORRY Mummy its worse now :D

and when came the Exams you would sit-up nights with me; helping me with solving Math problems; cramming up social studies answers and bribing me with a toffee to stay awake for "JUST ONE " more question. You never wished me "ALL THE BEST" for exams but you would religiously put "RED TIKA" on my forehead and give me "Sweetened Curd (dahi cheeni :P)... and I would still say "Wish me LUCK"!! When I came back home you would eagerly take the question paper and say "AH!! You know the answer to this question" and "How? Did you answer this one". I thought as if I was giving a re-exam :D and then came the ugly part where-in you would say "80/100 you'l manage" and I would say "NO!! I am expecting at least 90". Here you taught me the lesson "To give your best in whatever you do; but expect Less in return"... I cant express how much I used to dislike you for underestimating me but somehow you would convince me ; how important it was... SO!! What was the actual score I used to get... sometimes it was way above jubilating 90 ... sometimes unexpected 85 and sometimes disappointing 80. But you had already prepared me for 80 so it never hurt me so much... and surprisingly the score never went below 80...
As I grew up and subjects changed you could no longer help me with studies but you made it a point to sit besides me; either peeling peas for next morning or weaving a sweater which was far from over since two years :D... You would give me coffee, an occasional toffee or a simple pat on back. It really helped mummy. And I fail to understantd how you manged to know the exact time when I needed all this. Here you taught me to CARE; to LOVE.
Now; when I came back from exam you would just ask how was it... If I said excellent you would say "OK! Prepare for next" and if it was the other way round you'd say "At least there should be one paper to bring down the percentage". And you know what I secretly used to mark myself just the way you would but my marking was never as accurate as yours. Many a times during exams I fell ill and thought of skipping the exam. You said " It doesnt matter to me if you fail; but it matters if you dont complete the job given to you". I have taken exams with 104F fever ; running nose and red eyes. You taught me professionalism here; though you yourself never went to work.

You would still walk with me till the bus-stop a kilometer away from home; and if we saw the bus from the far end; it was you who used to run faster than me to stop it ; that too in "SARI!!!" How you did it all still remains a puzzle to me. While coming back from school you refused to pick my heavy bag.I thought why had you changed; you always carried my bag when I was a kid. Now I have understood - You were teaching me to be independent.

You would keep a check on kind of clothes I wore; made sure I never let open my hair and you oiled them regularly.You would warn me to stay away from that girl or boy in school. I used to feel so stifled; that you were trying to control my life. But when I dint listen to you ; I came across harsh-realties of LIFE. You wanted me to be able to judge people I bring in my life. You wanted my life to be safe; secure and happy and you never let loose any ends. But you always gave me my share of independence. You would convince PAPA to let me go for a picnic; sometimes faught with him and ensured I attended the LAST LATE NIGHT PARTY in school. You would let me buy clothes that I thought were fashionable and you thoght were sensible. You always amazingly struck the right balance. You seemed to know it all.

Often I used to talk endlessly about my day; many a times repeating the same old stories. You always had the patience to listen to them; advice me when I needed it; laugh with me at jokes and console me when I felt low. All this used to happen in kitchen ; you were teaching me the importance of quality time; time management; importance of being a listener. You taught me how silence can be used to magically heal a person and yes sideways I learnt a lot of recipies. Now, you are proud of my cooking. :)

I stepped into college and you taught me some basics. You warned me against the evils. But I failed to follow a lot of things you said. I failed you mummy. I literally went down the drain. You again came to my rescue. You pulled me through it. Whenever I refused to go to college; you would push me out of the comforts of home and chide me to face the world. You taught me to fight for myself. You taught me to stand for my rights. You taught me to love and accept myself; to stand strong amidst adversities. Mummy !! with you by my side I conquered it all. I came back...back with a bang...I surprised everyone...It was a new me - Confident,Couargeous,Righteous and Strong.I had realised that "It's the family that stands by your side through thick and thin". " Its the parents who love their children; no matter how bad they are...what wrongs they have done... They are always there... Like forever". I now knew the difference between right and wrong. I now knew that it was my family who was my prime importance and others were just an illusion. I had fallen and risen again. Now; I believed in every word you spoke..every rule you set and followed it. From then I had stopped lying to you. No matter how uncomfortable I felt about the truth; I would come and confess it to you. We had become friends.

There have been times when we sat in morning and at 11 am you saw the clock and said; with your gossips my entire day has been wasted. I would have finished half the work by now :P . I still try to fit in your lap ; I still try to play horse - ride on you. When you are busy working I still throw water on you. I still toss the lemons and off they go and hit your head. I chatter endlessly with you. And now you share your secrets with me. You tell me what you hate and what you like. When I cry; you cry... When I laugh your eyes gleam... When I dance you love it... at least Il loose some weight :D You tell me your dreams; your fears... your childhood; your friends and your naughty days... It all happens between us and I love it.

We are frank with each other; but sometimes I laugh at your innocence.. One day it took me an hour to explain to you about GAYS and LESBIANS...and you failed to understand and shunned it saying " Nobody can go against nature's laws! Its not possible... Today's generation has made it as a way to seek publicity or maybe its kind of fashion". All my efforts went in vain :( But its OK! I know its tough for you to understand.

Its tougher for me to understand how you manage to do all the sacrifices for me... When I go for shopping; you say just one thing "If you like it; take it... No point leaving it". And when it comes to buying something for yourself ; you say "I am growing old; it wont suit me". When both of us know that the reason is the attached price-tag. When you go to astrologer ; you ask about all of us.. but you... When I ask "why? dint ask about yourself"; you smile and say "You are my future".
Mummy you are my best friend... I wish to achieve all your unfullfilled dreams. I want to accomplish the great heights you have always wanted me to scale. I wish to make you proud... so that you can say "That's my daughter".

I thank Nani for making you the person you are... soft and strong...practical yet emotional...stiff yet flexible...
 thanx for being PERFECT!!
I want to be a MOTHER one day and I wish to be your reflection...

References :
My Life


sangeeta said...

Awesome ..... :)

Vandita said...

thnx sangeeta :)

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