Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Conceptually LOVE

My notion of LOVE changes day in and day out. At times I feel I could write a thesis on it and then sometimes I sit confused; with my thoughts wandering.

class emotions
  private :

   Person p;

  public :

    intensity anger ( reason, 
    intensity happiness ( reason,
   intensity grief ( reason,

    virtual void love( void ) =0;

class event1 : public emotions { ... };
class event2 : public emotions { ... };
class event3 : public emotions { ... };
class event4 : public emotions { ... };

If u have a class of Emotions; and functions like anger(), happiness() , grief() etc. operating on a Person with a return type Intensity of the emotion; its only Love() that cannot be defined.

For each type of emotion we always have reason, source and circumstances. Depending on all above factors; intensity of an emotion can be calculated and interpreted.

But for LOVE it takes nothing to be in it and nothing to be out of it. It takes a void and returns a void.

For every class of events in life that derives emotion each has its own implementation of LOVE. LOVE is so universal and yet so unique.

Sometimes I feel; Love is effortless. Like it doesn't take any effort to breathe ; itdoesn't take any effort to be in LOVE either. Yet both are so vital to our existence. I am in LOVE constantly and consistently. 

I fell in LOVE by virtue of touch when I was in mamma's womb. It was LOVE at first sight when I saw my dad. It was LOVE through sharing when my brother entered this world. And this LOVE continues to grow exponentially till the object of my class gets destroyed. ( or maybe there will be a LOVE LEAK; as my folks will continue to feel my LOVE for them; even though I no longer exist.)

I am in LOVE with food because I don't seem to get bored of it and also because I need it. Like food, LOVE is crucial for my existence. LOVE is like memory-allocation; something you always need to exist.

LOVE for my family has a static storage. It exists till my life's program exists. 
LOVE for my friends is like a function call. As soon as I meet them; an activation record gets created and LOVE is like a variable created on that stack. Not that after the function returns ; LOVE evaporates. But during the course of time; as the function call gets over and we call new functions ; that LOVE for friends seems to fade away. But I know for sure that I can call that function every time.

 Romantic LOVE in my life is like memory allocated on heap. It wont get destroyed unless I specifically delete it. If I forget to delete it; it might become a source of major bug in my life.

But all things about LOVE cant be explained technically. Had it been possible; all of us would have polished our concepts and mastered it.

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