Wednesday, March 24, 2010

SHE IS ...

She is my closest friend...
she knows everything about me... she loves me more than anyone else could possibly love me in this world... she knows me since eternity... she is the only person who understands me completely
Since I was a kid ; and as I have seen she was a very shy person... extremely submissive... She used to be a what they say " GOOD GIRL"... she was obedient; diligent; sincere; polite; caring; and a graceful kid... She would prefer to be alone rather than be in crowd... she enjoyed her solitude...she was focussed on her work... she loved it when she was appreciated by everyone; she would do all the right things...every one around her would say "she is such an angel"... she looked beautiful too.. white face with cheeks resembling an apple and rosy red lips... she was born a healthy child... and by healthy I mean "with extra pounds ";) ... but she was so cute that people couldnt stop themselves for taking her in their lap :) she enjoyed it all... she ruled... and she was loved...
the only thing she lacked was confidence... she couldnt make friends... because she was too shy... she had problems saying a simple hi... it was important for her what others thought of her... maybe it was all that mattered to her... and she would always go out of the way to win their love... their appreciation... their respect...
She doted on friends... she never lied to them... never broke their trust... she had very few friends whom she cherished... and never wanted to loose them... she would sacrifice everything for the people who were important to her...
All she lacked was her belief in self... courage to be what she is... she lacked the spirit; the fire... because GOOD GIRLS dont fight; GOOD GIRLS dont step out; GOOD GIRLS never dominate :)
And during the course of time she realized how important it was to her to be herself... When reality struck her... beating the very goodness in her... she understood she needed to change... She learnt a lesson "Even goodness is looked with suspicion in this World" ... No matter ; everyone swears on purity of heart ; but there are other virtues that matter "SMARTNESS (read cunningness) " being the topmost... she decided to change herself...
She mustered up courage...She did things she wanted to... She understood what she had in her... She spoke well ; so she made her voice heard... She was a good she showed people the way... She was an artist...She showcased her talent... She believed in all she did... She stood for right... she fought the wrong... She had the courage speak her mind; to follow her heart...fearless of consequences... She had become a CONFIDENT PERSON.. who knew what she wanted... 
In the process she became shrewd too.. She became too harsh on herself... on people around her.. because she was not what she was portraying her to be... This was not the real her... She became short tempered; when things dint go her way... she lost patience... she became unreasonable
Deep inside remained the same old emotional caring person; who just aimed to have good relations in life... The person who wasnt ambitious... the person who only dreamt of a contented happy life... She was a person who cried for silly things... the person who would celebrate every small joy ... she believed in expressing herself... she would cry if she got angry.. she would cry if she was upset... she would dance when happy.. she would give importance to each moment of life... BUT what she had turned into : an ambitious person looking for her identity? looking for LOVE? looking for her place in the world? She had become a person who had everything to survive in this world but CLEVERNESS... she couldnt learn this... she couldnt imbibe this... and thats where she lost :)
Though there was a marked difference between what she was and what she portrayed... but what remained with her all through; were her values... she never compromised on them... her belief in truth; honesty; faith ; emotions never failed... she managed to retain it with her... 
Now she is a person who knows her worth... a person who knows herself...She has confidence and courage to be what she wants to be... to stand up for right... She has the FIRE to succeed... She has a fighter within who can survive all odds... She is emotional too... she cares for the people around her...she doesnt believe in compromise but she has the will to sacrifice... she has the courage to support those who need her... she still cries when she fails... she celebrates her success with all pride... she is proud of herself... with all she has done in her life...she as discovered herself

She still dreams of a beautiful home with the man of her dreams... nurturing wonderful kids... but she also wishes to help her man in building the dream home :)
Her friends are very special to her... but she thinks of herself too... She loves herself and understands herself completely...
She has learnt from her life... the tough way...and the lessons will take her a long long way....
She thanks GOD for making her the person she is... Thanks HIM for whatever HE has shown her... and she hopes to make the best out of it...
MAY she get the MAN of her dreams... may she have the best est and the loveliest kids in the world... may she fulfill her ambitions of a golden career...may she be always there for her friends and family... may she cry in bad times and learn from them and fight her way back... may she enjoy the good times and remain modest... may she be happy always :)
SHE is ME....
HAPPY BIRTHDAY VANDITA :) you are very special
August 11 (the day entire human race was blessed cz I came to this world :D ) 

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