Wednesday, March 24, 2010

The Right and Wrong of It

** Warning : this post contains certain words that might be objectionable to some people.

Is life always a clear demarcation between RIGHT and WRONG ?? I have always doubted that... I have always felt that defining Right or Wrong is purely on our convenience...

For me; the definition of RIGHT is what I find RIGHT... and I am courageous enough to say that... I believe in questioning the conventions... I believe in exploring the unseen... and to many ; it will be defined as wrong...

I have a very recent example from my life : I am person averse to the habit of drinking... i.e. I wont personally do it... I dont dislike people who drink ... but I would not want to be with them when they are drinking... It comes from the experience that I have seen people loosing self control and indulging into unacceptable behavior under the influence of alcohol.
I dont care what a person does in his/her life but I feel that a person should drink only if other people accompanying him are comfortable about it.
Coming back to the incident : One day I had a chocolate with tequila flavor and it tasted awesome... and yes it was my first experience with alcohol ( though tequila content would have been low in it) ; I had a burning sensation first in my throat and then my stomach. And I happened to share this experience with many of my friends. One of them said ; you have compromised on your values; the other said it was unexpected of you. One of my concerned friends said I would have slapped you if I was there . And one of my very dear friends said - " waise log bolte bahut hai agar koi or piye or khud kare to fine; #$%^$ sab karte hain.... or updesh ek se badhkar ek". Other one said ; ki ladki bigad gayi hai...
I failed to understand ; where is the question of right or wrong in this??

I will quote another example from my life : In my graduation days ; a friend of mine ( whom I considered a friend) forwarded me an sms ; which went something like : " to make a girl happy - caress her; care for her; love her; respect her; treat her; understand her; spend time with her... but to make a man happy - blowjob". I dint know what blowjob means and I forwarded that message to some friends ( msg cost used to b 1p at that time). refer to for the term.

And when I realized what it meant; I knew I had made a mess. My ignorance had led to fiasco. Then I understood the importance of being knowledgeable about sex. So; I asked some friends ; I hit Google and tried to know what I thought was important for me to know. One fine; I was explaining this to one of my friends. Her reaction was - she put her hands on ears and said I dont want to listen. You are like this ; but dont spoil me....
I had no clue; from where this was coming.... and I dont even wish to know.

Similarly, once some of my friends were discussing abuses "gaalis - in hindi" and most of the meanings every one knew. There were some words that they dint know and I happened to know. A friend of mine came to me and I explained to her what it meant; while other one was shrieking crazy about how bad it was to discuss such things; after all we belong to respectable families. It was way back in graduation days. And such incidents do happen off and on; till date.
Since; I know the meanings ; I have come to be labeled as encyclopedia.

I feel its important to know what a particular word means so as to avoid its unintentional wrong usage. eg. A most commonly used abuse is "BITCH"... I used it often till I came to know the meaning. It means " one who sleeps / fools around with everyone" just like a bitch on the road. In no circumstances ; should this word be used for a woman. (bitching is a term coined ; when people gossip about others and is not considered as derogatory)

Similarly; if u have not heard a person properly - u say excuse me; pardon etc but some people use Come Again ; and mind u it sends wrong signals ( at least in some parts of the world).
In no way I feel that knowing these things have made me compromise on my values.

Thats exactly how I wish to make the point " THE RIGHT and THE WRONG OF IT !!!" Many people who know me or have seen me have interpreted me in different ways ; and for most of them I may come as a BAD person ; which is totally acceptable to me. And it is quiet possible that some opinions may change ; on reading this post.

My question is : were they right earlier or are they right now? The good and the bad... the right or wrong is entirely on situation ; on convenience.
Each day; I do those things that I feel are right... It may be unethical/wrong to the society but if I am convinced of what I am doing ; I will do it ... no matter what. And I know each one of us does that. Its a different case; that some of choose to hide it. But I dont because I fully believe in my actions.

Over my survival of 23 years I have had many beliefs and opinions. I have shattered numerous beliefs; I have switched uncountable opinions; totally based on my experiences.... my understanding of life and yes to some extent my convenience also. What I believed in 6 months ago ; is diametrically opposite to what I belive now.

There might be a feeling in the minds of my readers - that I appear to be a person who cant take a stand because I keep switching my sides. But I wish to make it clear - that its not about changing sides... its about the experiences...its about the lessons.... LIFE is never BLACK and WHITE... There is never a clear line between the RIGHT and the WRONG... they are constantly changing... A right of one person is the wrong of other. What appears beautiful to one ; appears ugly to somebody else. Thats how it works.

Following the rules ; doesn't always work. Sometimes you have to break the boundaries; question the eternal. You have to explore ... to understand what lies deep within. What appears a clear glass today may become tainted tomorrow ; just because you chose to ignore it. What is evil for you today might become virtuous for you tomorrow.
By saying the above; in no way do I wish to say that : exploding bombs or taking lives or betrayal are the right things to do.

We just need to look beyond; beyond the obvious to see the truth... We have to understand that life doesn't work on forming opinions and being adamant. Life sustains on being to the universal. The universal contains the good; the bad... the black ; the white and the grey... On seeing the universal ; we will see choices. The choices give us dimensions; and on seeing all the dimensions can we achieve the Supreme Right.
I have not yet been able to see the Supreme Right; but I do try to look at different angles; from different standpoints and then choose what I feel is correct. I stand by it till the end...

By the way; I had to drink water the entire day when I ate tequila chocolate; so beware :D

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