Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Been There... Done That!!!

Today I think what am I doing with my life? I wake up at 6am; leave for office at 7; work there and come back by 8pm. I fight the daily tensions; killing traffic in Gurgaon and when I reach back I read newspaper or solve some puzzles. My life has become so mundane. And this is not how I want to live. I dislike routine; I don't like to be bossed by any-one but this is exactly what I am doing!!! I ask myself a question several times - What have u achieved in your life so far and if its zero ; do you think can you do something great in your coming life?

There is absolutely nothing great that I have done so far and I feel sad when I have to admit this but yes I have discovered myself. I have an experience of a lifetime which if I utilize optimally can help me making it BIG!!! This experience gives me pride and confidence ; it gives me some sense of achievement and its what I look up to whenever I loose my vigor.

Here comes a story...

The Department of Computer Science; University of Delhi is my alma mater. Its the mecca of technical expertise,knowledge,innovation and passion. Every student here strives to be the best; not just in academics but also in thinking differently; and nurturing their ideas to make a difference. Its a place where Attitude makes you reach an Altitude. We have various activities going on in our department apart from studies and all of them are organized with professionalism and celebrated with equal fervor. Sankalan - our technical festival is an event which brings us all together. Its a convergence of technical knowledge; managerial skills and intense competition backed by efforts of a team of DUCS.

It all started way back in 2006 when I was in my junior year in M.Sc. We had elections for the post(s) of the Placement Co-Coordinator. Although most of us wanted to hold the post; but none of us dared to take it up; given the RESPONSIBILITIES and COMMITMENTS this post demands. Its a very tough job. I had a desire to take up this post ; but I dint mention this to my class. Not because I was afraid of taking up a responsibility but because I wasn't confident of my getting placed ; let alone giving my 100% to the job. Neither I knew; how much people trusted me. Had I known they believed in me strongly ; I would have taken the risk. Once; I casually mentioned amongst a group of friends that I can try. One of my batch mate said - "No! Dont make her the PC; she doesn't know how to talk and she wont be able to do justice." Maybe; it was spoken casually but it pinched me alot. I let it pass.

In January 2007 ; the entire department was preparing for an event called Sankalan; about which I came to know only in first week of January. I had got just one event - Inauguration and then my role would be over. In the Inauguration ceremony the then President was doing a Welcome Address. I dint hear the speech; though I was standing next to the stage. I was thinking - Thats' where I want to be. A dream was born - A dream to lead Sankalan 2008. I have always wanted to work; sitting idle kills me. But ; most importantly I want to work smartly. I want to show people how a tough thing can be broken easily into small pieces and conquered. I want to show the way to people ; as I always have an opinion about everything and generally I am right. In Sankalan 2007 itself; without being given the task I participated in three more events. Such was my enthusiasm.Soon; the idea took a back seat because Sankalan was to happen in next year.

By the time of elections I had got placed; I also had an importance in my class. People used to listen to me; they would look up to me as a right person who can offer solutions and also walk the talk. At the time of elections; I strongly vocalized my desire to be the President of DUCSS. I did a campaign and I was elected. Though it wasn't easy; there was tough competition and thats a different story.

Now; I started to feel the heat. Unfortunately, there was a group of people ( significantly large in number) who dint favor me. Not because they disliked me; but because my true potential wasn't known to them and the circumstances in which I became the President were conducive to tarnish my image further in their minds. (I dint use the wrong means :D ; circumstances portrayed a false image) . That was my biggest challenge. I wanted to turn 50% support to 100%. I wanted to prove to them ; that I am deserving and capable enough to lead them. How; I did it? You'll come to know.

I first met up with the working team ; which is christened DUCSS. DUCSS had a total of five members and two of which did not know me really well ( read - had apprehensions working with me :D) and they were to turn out as my BEST supporters in times to come. Our immediate aim was to generate sponsorships for Sankalan. And as luck would have it; the recession in the IT industry had started. Most of the companies( our sponsors) were cutting on costs to tackle the crisis. How; would we get sponsorships? We prepared a sponsorship letter. We made strategic changes to it and made some plans based on the experiences and trends of previous years. We approached the companies and kept pestering them for responses. The biggest blow came in the form of one of the companies saying NO to sponsor us. All our plans and strategies came to a dead end; because they depended heavily on this company.
Lesson 1 : When you lead; have alternate plans.
Lesson 2: In business - Dont follow ; what has already happened. Chances are it will not happen next time. So think differently.

As time ticked by ; the tension was mounting. We had no sponsors. We had some money ; but not enough to sustain last years' success. On top of that; I was under tremendous pressure from my own expectations. I had promised myself to prove my caliber and to answer those who said Girls cant be good managers. My
 "I'l show You! " attitude had been hit hard. Still; we were persistent and patient. I could not tell my team that I was worried; else everything would have been finished before it started. Now; I sought the help of entire student community in the department. I made things transparent. "Guys! We are having trouble and we need your help. It ain't going to be easy ; but with your support we'll sail through". Now every-one saw a direct involvement. They began to trust me seeing my honesty by not hiding the reality. Everyone tried and tried their best. Juniors ; batch mates all gave their support. Seniors and Alumni too pitched in to take us out of this situation. Now, I knew for sure; even if we don't get sponsorships ; but given the support I have; DUCSS would pull it.

One lucky day; we went to meet our long time patrons - Aricent Technologies (Holdings). We had high hopes. We had to go to Gurgaon ; I dint know how to drive and Secretary Shobhit dint have a bike ( in short dono ghoduu they :D). We went in the cab of company which had said no for sponsorship with the help of a senior . What an irony. Aricent pleased us; though with some minor changes the deal was closed in our favor.
Lesson 3 : Chances favor only the prepared mind.

But this money wasn't enough to make Sankalan reach the heights ; that we all dreamt of. We tried our hardest. Nothing was working out. I was constantly in touch with a person from Microsoft on phone. But; somehow it just wasn't working. We went to NOIDA. I remember traveling in a bus with people spilling out. My feet on foot board; one arm loose and one arm tightly clutching the aunty in front of me. As and when the driver applied breaks; half of my body would be out of the bus. MAN it was scary and I still feel surprised; how come I dint fall. It was what you call struggle. But all efforts in vain. No answers. After a month ; we had a savior in Microsoft. I had cracked the deal ; with Microsoft offering us double of what they offered last year. All of us went jubilant. People appreciated me for my hard-work and never-say-die spirit. They now believed that they had a good leader ; who can lead from the front and make things happen.
Lesson 4 : With great power comes great responsibility.

I gave them a slogan ; which they echoed in unison -

We had funds ; but still there were more challenges. Though I had gathered support and confidence from all quarters; but there was one thing still haunting me. There were some groups; which happens everywhere. You cant expect 100 people to hang out together or to think alike. Groups are formed because people think differently and hence sometimes despise rises. My job was to bring these people together.They all lived for a common cause - Sankalan. But they never knew ; what they thought was same. My job was to make them realize that their thoughts are one. Their passions are same. They have common love - Love for their Department.

Sankalan had various events - 9 technical and 3 non- technical. I had two options : either to divide these events 6 - 6 amongst these two groups and deepen the divide or have members of both groups be a part of each event and take a risk of them disagreeing because of ignorance. I chose the second option. I was willing to take risks -no matter how much it could have jeopardized the perfection of event; I knew instinctively - people forget their differences if they are passionate about a cause.When in doubt go by Conventions and When in good times go by instincts
 is what i believe in always. In past few months I had observed everyone closely. I knew their strengths and weaknesses. I knew where I could use the energy of one person and brain of the other. I knew who all were compatible with each other. But instead of deciding where to put these people myself - I gave them a choice of choosing an event they wished to handle. Based on what they had done last year ; what their choices were now and of course my observations we placed them strategically in the 12 events. For those; whom I was unsure I went with my gut feeling. I also asked every-one to come up with their ideas ; propose a new scheme to me which is new and if it was within my resources I gave them a green signal.Event-Coordinators were made one from each group to eliminate all possibilities of bias.They were told to rule their event. Try out new ideas; change the look of an event. Anything within the constraints was allowed. This gave every-one a sense of ownership. They were not answerable to me but to themselves and I knew they would give in their life to make their task successful and All did.
Lesson 5: Calculated risks work.You should have a courage to take them.

I set practical deadlines; made them report to me. I would praise them for extraordinary work and pull them if they lost the sight. Most of my team was enthusiastic enough to manage things on their own. I rarely had a need to shout and grill them. There were no issues between the groups.In fact there remained no groups. They had gelled in so well and appreciated each other; which made me proud of them. Such a team can never loose.

A team which needn't be told what to do and when; a team which comes at 9 am to work and leave at 7pm; a team that is hungry for more work and a team that stands united in all times - will always be successful. That was my lesson 6.

There were many things that I could see and others couldn't. e.g. Backup of electricity - all said power failure is rare here and it wont happen. I knew we needed generators. We had two labs and events were divided in both labs. I ensured that software of all events be loaded in both labs; in case a lab became non-functional. I was blamed to be too fussy and to pessimist. On the D-Day there was huge power failure and also unfortunately generators could not support both the labs ; so two events would have to be held in one lab. Had I not got the software loaded in both the labs- was it possible to even think of this solution?
Lesson 7 : A leader has to be foresighted and have a vision.

On 2nd February 2008 ; I led my team to an experience of a life-time - SANKALAN 2008. Teams from all over the country come to participate. Its a congregation of people from IT industry ; the students - best brains of the country fighting out for the Sankalan trophy . On the day ; many things went wrong . I was constantly on two phones handling the anxious team mates. But I couldn't show it ; how tough it was for me to greet the guests with smile; ensure a smooth sailing ; and tackle all problems ( but those involved know - we were screwed up with smiles pasted on our faces). As we were well prepared in advance we managed it all.
Lesson 8 : No matter ; how big the trouble is .. your hard work and confidence will see it off.
 And yes all problems were beaten and Sankalan 2008 was a huge success. We all had MADE IT HAPPEN :)

At the end there was party - time for which all were waiting. Celebrations for the success of Sankalan; hard work of 5 months that had paid off were on peak. Suddenly the President - fell... ill. Celebrations stopped. Concerned faces all over ; were thinking how to get across this situation. Finally I was fine; but the celebrations were over. I had spoiled the fun at the end; for me and for others as well.
Lesson 9 - Dont work so hard that you aren't able to enjoy its fruits.

Though I learned a lot; I did a lot but still there is room for more. There were many mistakes I did and I learnt from them too.
But I wont tell what were those mistakes and what was my lesson ; that is
 Lesson Number 10.

I thank my entire team for being a team and doing such a great job ; the praise for which is inexplicable. The seniors and alumni of DUCS made a huge contribution to make it a success. And I also derived my strength from my friends, whenever things went awry ; so they deserve a special applause.

Having said all that ; I wish to make a very bold statement -
 Given the situations and constraints nobody else could have done a better job than me...and this feeling pushes me to stop living a routine life and try to scale heights.
Because once - I have
 Been There ... Done That!!! 

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