Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Love Actually

He should be intelligent. He should be a great talker. He should be some-one I can look upto. He should be able to handle my moods. He should be ...

Just re-read the above lines. How many times I have used " He should be. . ." This was my idea of LOVE; sometime back. It was always about What He should BE ... It was never about What I would be; or What I would do... and thats where I lacked; in knowing what LOVE is ...

I dont say that LOVE is all about sacrifice and not expecting. LOVE ; definitely does not mean Compromises or Sacrifices. 

But to be in LOVE; demands something. Its an effort; its an investment. You get back what you give... and sometimes more than that. Its always good to expect something out of LOVE; thats the sole motivation behind Loving someone.

But what I generally dreamt was about; what I want; what I needed. It was always about me.I never gave a thought to what I could give.

I realized; off-late - LOVE is all about doing things; you thought you could never do or you would never do. Its about discovering yourself; rather than discovering someone else. Its about GROWING BETTER with the person you LOVE.

People say that; they change when they are in LOVE. "Earlier; I used to be wear JEANS; now I wear just Sarees". "Earlier I used to stay at home over the weekends; now Its always partying. " And there would be a lots of other things you would hear; that people say; when they are in LOVE. Some crib about the change. Some enjoy it. Others just say its a compromise and keep moving.

I feel; you change because You want to. Nobody can force, you to change something in you, unless you are willing. You choose to change because you enjoy it. 

LOVE is just changing for better. LOVE is to see things ; the other way. Its the courage you get when someone is around. LOVE is when you smile ; even when alone.

LOVE is when you dont cry; when things dont work out. Its looking back and realizing; that you changed for better. LOVE is when you dont think only of your happiness; but also the joy of the significant other. LOVE is being able to do; what he would do; when in a dilemma. LOVE is when you start appreciating yourself because of some-one else.

LOVE is being with someone and wanting to be together, till you can and realizing you will never get bored. LOVE is just wanting to keep talking; talking stupid and never to stop at all.

LOVE is to realize your weakness and turn them to strengths. LOVE is to calm down; when you are a short tempered person. LOVE is to act ideally; when you always act on convenience. LOVE is wanting to follow; when you LOVE to lead. LOVE is wanting to listen; when you prefer talking. LOVE is trying Mango ice-cream when you prefer Chocolate.LOVE is writing this post; when you have discovered LOVE truly.

We all Love for a reason. I Love for above reasons. Love is selfish and selfless at the same time. Love is giving and taking simultaneously. Love is possessiveness and security gelled together.

Love is hoping against hope; that things can still work out. 

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