Monday, January 4, 2010

An Ode to 2009 and A warm welcome to 2010

2009 is gone... and gone are the toughest and the most sweetest days of my life so far...

A few lessons the year taught me

1. Tough times never last; tough people do.
2. Expect the unexpected.
3. Life is stranger than fiction.
4. What has to go up has to come down and what has gone down shall come up. Stay grounded in your attitude.
5. Adversities test your strength ; you may fall weak but if you have the will to get up again; things will just be fine.
6. Every experience - painful or beautiful will teach you something for the experience ahead.
7. Never plan; it will never work.
8. Believe.
9. Be patient.
10. Even if things are not working your way; dont lose faith in God. He is working for you. You have the right to get angry with HIM but dont shun HIM.
11. Learn, relearn and Unlearn.
12. In your best of times; people will cling on you; praise you; love you; admire you. In your worst of times there will be brickbats; accusations ; hate ; mockery. It will affect you; kill your confidence but - Fight. Stand for yourself.
13. Dreams come true; but only at the right time.
14. Relax and enjoy life.
15. Do what you think is Right. There is no point in what other people will think; fingers will be pointed anyhow.
16. Trust your instincts.
17. Give your best to whatever you have and Life will give its best to you.
18. Its OK to give up sometimes. Some dreams are injurious to LIFE. The sooner you accept the better for you.
19. Give up on Dreams but never Give up on LIFE.
20. Happiness is there at the most unexpected places ; keep your heart open and embrace it.

2009 took away from me my confidence; my zest to live; my dreams and the charm in me.

It gave me the most important lessons of my life. It taught me to Let Go for my betterment. It taught me that nothing at all is more important than LOVE and Self Respect. It taught me not to be judgemental but still be able to judge what's important and what can be left. 

It taught me that its not just important to Love and give your best but its also important to be able to decide; who deserves your affection. 

God has a beautiful plan for each one of us; so its better that we STOP interfering in God's work and make the best out of what's given to us. There is a Key to every Lock.. if you push the Key in wrong Lock it will break. Be patient and wait for the Right match :) 

God will set the stage himself and you will be amazed of his creative excellence as a director ;)

I met Life while trudging a long, tiring and painful path. Today the path I walk; has Life as my companion... and we are in Love with each other :)

Thank You 2009.

With the wishes of everyone's wellness and joy...
With the Hope in my heart that I'l stay happy
With the will to make things work for the ones who love me
With firm beliefs in my values
With my eyes set on a wondeful journey that I am about to begin...

I welcome you 2010... May you give me all that I have hoped for :)


Shefali Bhargava said...

God Bless you...It is a terrific evaluation of your life Vandi.May god blesses you with everything u desire out of the year 2010 :)
Great Work indeed!
Keep Smiling as ever :)

PriyanK said...

nice enumeration of ur thoughts...
i wud like to say one thing, rather 3 ;)
1. You r your own God, your own creator, forget about the rest.
2. Planning does help. You'll soon realize it ;)
3. Time is always right(it goes clockwise also), when we go down we term it as wrong to support our fall. As you said, do what u wanna do, at any TIME, then u shud take the outcome +vely...

smile forever....

Vandita said...

thanks shefali

@ priyank : points taken :)

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