Saturday, June 2, 2012

My Papa - My Hero

I  Love You Papa

I have never been able to say it but I know you understand my Love for you. I have realized my love for you from the day you married me off. I know its too late to realize your love for your own father but I am a bit silly you know that.

Today after going through so much in life I can exactly understand what you have always taught me; I can understand your emotions , your reactions, your anger, your love and your concern. I used to be judgmental on all your actions. I am sorry for being your critic. But today I feel I am becoming your mirror image. I was a rebellious kid and I swore that I would never be like you; but today I realize I am following your footsteps and you know what, I have begun the journey of knowing you - my father. 

You have an unshaken belief in God and I have inherited it from you. Though you get upset and low sometimes ; so do I. But you have this courage to accept life as it is and fight with all your will and I promise you Papa I'll always always fight.

Mumma used to tell me that I wouldn't sleep till you came back home when I was just one; and today I still sit up nights thinking about you and you well being. Somehow I have this maternal feeling to care for you like a mother would do. Today, as you are growing I feel you are turning into my baby :) and I want to pamper you the way you have pampered me. You are my King :)

You have been through a lot in life but you have never let us feel your pain. I have never seen anger for situations in your life; I have never seen you loose faith in God; I have never seen you ask Why. You just keep moving and I wish that you remain the same always.

Today you are fighting Cancer; a dreaded word for anyone. It can break anybody but it has strengthened us as family. Papa, we all are with you in this battle. We have been toiling hard and I know there will be tough days but we'll beat it. We will come out stronger. You don't show your pain, your angst, your fears and I hope these negative feelings never take a toll on you. I admire you for your sheer grit and determination and I am there for you. Always :)

I want to thank you for such a comfortable, healthy and encouraging upbringing. You have never differentiated me with bhai on the basis of gender and I feel lucky to be your daughter. You have taught me those math formula ; chemical valencies ; algebra and mechanics. You have taught me to write. You are a wonderful writer and you have given me your words. You have taught me to keep on praying and you will always be there in my prayers.

Thanks for marrying me to the person of my choice and loving and respecting him as your son. Thanks for not considering me as a "paraya dhan". Thank you for making my wedding a grand one and helping me in all the shopping. Thanks for buying me books for studying and motivational books to keep me uplifted. Thanks for always saying "sab acha hai"

You boost life in me every-day and I pray to God to give you a painless, disease free and full of love, long life. I wish to see my kids dancing in your arms; the way you used to make me dance...

You are my Super Hero and you shall always be.


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