Sunday, June 27, 2010

I have been thinking

1. We never grow up.We just learn to conceal our expressions and cover our emotions.

2. We are constantly trying to prove something to the world; and almost all the time that something is unknown.

3. Life teaches us lessons and when we have learnt them; it asks us to unlearn them.

4. Experience tells you what went wrong; but it doesn't guarantee that right move would always be right.

5. Any deviation from constant irks us; despite of knowing the fact that universal constant is change.

6. We know the world is full of problems and mine is so small as compared to the person next door. Yet we  believe that ours is the gravest.

7. We are selfish and each and every action of ours is motivated by benefit to our soul. In our hearts we know    its OK to work for self; yet we want to portray ourselves as "great".

8. We all have inflated balloon of EGO ; which strangely never deflates. And sometimes it grows so big that it blocks the vision of everything around us.

9. We always want things to be done our way. Take a look at your happy and sad moments. You were happy because what happened was what you wanted and you were sad because things didnt turn your way.

10. We always take credit of our success but responsibility of our failure lies on some-one else. Though we say otherwise but thats what we always think.

11. In our constant attempt to be different we push ourselves into situations that are complete opposite to what we want and being a slave to our false self beliefs we continue to torture ourselves.

12. We always want to be somebody else but inside us we always want somebody else to appreciate the real us.

13. They say if you have passion then you'll have success but we become passionate only when we taste success.

14. We all are shy people; we cultivate confidence and "frankness" as we grow up.

15. We want to be loved the way we want. We want to love the way we want. But we forget the other person also thinks the same way.

16. We never make sacrifices. We make choices. Leaving a job for your baby is not a sacrifice; you have made a choice of being with the baby rather than being with your job.

17. We need someone to believe in us when even we dont believe in ourselves.

18. No matter; how much we say I wont change for some-one; inside of us wants us to change for some-one.  Not because we are making a sacrifice; but because we always wanted to do that and were just looking for a reason.

19. All we need is comfort and not luxury. Luxury is what we own to make other people jealous and instill false pride in ourselves.

20. Today's comfort is tomorrow's need and yesterday's luxury.

21. Positive thinking brings good times; negative thinking brings bad times.

22. No matter how bad things seem; two things sail you through HOPE and FAITH.

23. LOVE is the only thing that motivates us.

24. We all make mistakes ; and knowing that we are humans; makes it easier for us to accept them.

25. Success and happiness is best enjoyed when its shared.

26. We all are lovers of beauty.

27. Each black has some white in it and each white has some black in it. 

28. Belief in Self and Belief in God is the same thing.

29. We fight the change initially but as we grow in that situation we embrace it and secretly find comfort in it.

30. We all our wonderful; from being a mere thought to a cell, to a life form and to being able to generate life we constantly create wonders.

Life is indeed strange... but in all its strangeness its beautiful :)


Bhuvnesh said...

kadwa but sacha.... goooooooood one :) :)

Vidusha said...

Absolutely true ...

Unknown said...

tu shi likhne lag gai yaar :D..
jokes apart... Its absolutely True!!

Neha Gupta said...

Agree on some points but have some mismatches too... Was wondering how come these thoughts are urs :P

4, 5 -True
6. Yet we cry for that :P
7. We are selfish and each and every action of ours is motivated by benefit to our soul. - TRUE but if its about portraying, one won't ever do any good behind one's back n one won't think good for others as thoughts can't be shown :)
9. True ;P coz according to us oue way was good that's why we thought of it, n not happening of good is bad for us.
10. won't go for me :P
12. We always want to be somebody else - don't agree but yup we always like to be appreciated :)
13. True :)
15. True
16, 17 - Don't agree
18. One can change for someone we love, but its not like one always wanted to be like this.
20, 21, 22 - True
23. I will say LOVE is one of the most imp motivating factor, its not only.
25, 29 - True

Vandita said...

@ bhuv , vidu , suruchi : thank you

@ poonam : i have written all of this and this is what i feel at this moment... but yes thinking is subject to change every few months based on experiences.

@ neha : u have the right to disagree... and yes we agree on most of the points; others are subject to experiences

OverThinker said...

1. As time passes we learn to understand certain things which were difficult to understand earlier.
we learn to understand and respect other's point of views. We begin to realize that our parents used to scold us for right things always.
We begin to realize that Santa Clause is not real. Our beliefs and our thought process changes with exepriences and that too for the good. And so many other things...
All this is not covering of emotions..this is growing up. Even the art of concealing our expressions and covering our emotions is Growing Up for me.

2. At times ..may be ...but not always...smtimes we are trying to prove something to ourselves rest of the world does not matter. And many a times we don't want to prove anything to anyone..we are happy with watever we have that is calles peaceful state of mind.
"and almost all the time that something is unknown." - really??

3. may be not repeat ur mistakes but along with that do not block ur mind from infinite possibilities.

4. yup :)

5. right

6. again true

7. agree

8. Well, not always. Emotions can melt EGO most of the time.

9. very basic thing :)

10. mmmm...still not 'always'... at times we know that we only are responsible for everything which didn't turn out well

11. no experience so no comments..may be true

12. Good ONe!

13. COmpletely Disagree!

14. now u r talkin about growing up :P

15. bt i think if u truely love someone u love them as they are..u dont want them to change for u

16. NOt an appropriate example for this. when their is no choice then there could be only sacrifices/compormises. Yes ppl do make sacrifices...making a choice makes u feel good and satisfied bit making a sacrifice makes u feel hopeless

17. Another Good ONe!

18. will modify a bit - "No matter; how much we say I wont change for some-one; inside of us won't mind changing for some-one special"

19. may be. bt yes MOney shud be spent for convenience not Luxury. we don't need that.

20. :))))))))))

21. LOA

22. same as above

23. It surely is a very important thing but not the only thing. e.g. some of the factors for motivation may be Advancement, State of being, u may say its 'love' for ourselves :P

24. hmm

25. Absolutely True!

26. Yup and not to forget that it lies in the eyes of beholder.

27. Kalyug.

28. Agree!

29. Yup

30. typo 'our' -> 'are'. Yes COmpletely Agree!! i am wonderful!

Yes Life is strange...and it ll be beautiful!

Vandita said...

to each his own.. thanks for reading and analyzing :)

Unknown said...

its quit great mem....
very true give the picture what actually we are...

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