Monday, June 24, 2013


Life becomes much easier when we try to accept who we are and what we have. If we start accepting ourselves with both our strength and weaknesses ; good and bad ; we shall be able to lead a much content and happy life.
These days I am trying to love myself; enjoy myself and trying to correct some mistakes i think i have made. I am trying to improvise on my nature, i am trying to be more polite, more caring and understanding and optimistic of situations around me.
I am trying to forget the hurt , the baggage that i have carried long enough in my heart. I am trying to stay away from situations which lead me to negativity and involve myself in things i enjoy doing.
I am hoping God will help me lead to a right path and give me opportunities to flourish.

I am trying not to judge others, not to think about things that have happened. Its not that there are no flashbacks ; but i am trying to replace bad thoughts with good ones.

I am trying to forget unpleasant things; its not easy to forgive and forget but its easy to divert the focus to other interesting and creative things i can do for myself.

I am trying to accept the fact that everything happens for a reason and everyone around us has been given some task by God which they will knowingly or unknowingly fulfill. I am trying to accept that whatever happens and whosoever is responsible is all God's plan and i can do nothing about it. 

I am trying to drill into my mind that my only job is to stay happy no matter what happens and do what i like and not to hurt others. In this course if i can be any help to someone i shall try. I have come to understand that if only i am happy then i can spread positivism around.

I am trying to accept God's plan for me ;whatever it is; i will try to enjoy it and be happy!