Thursday, October 14, 2010

The Good, The Bad and The Ugly of CWG

To: Dr. M.S. Gill, Mr. Suresh Kalmadi, Lalit Bhanot, Bureaucrats, All Corrupt Officials
Cc: Dr. ManMohan Singh, SportsPersons of India, Volunteers at CWG, Delhi-ites

Date: 14 October 2010

Subject: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly of CWG

Dear All

I will come straight to the point of what I have witnessed during past few days.

The Good
1. Indian Athletes performed superbly; surpassing the last CWG haul of 50 and winning 101 medals. Each medal is well deserved, greatly appreciated and respected. Congratulations for your victory and we admire  and encourage your hard work; dedication and spirit. We wish you success for all your future endeavors and hope that you continue to beat your own records.
2. The sound of National Anthem that I got to hear many times in the day.
3. Opening and Closing Ceremonies were spectacular. 
The opening ceremony showcased our rich heritage; in forms of henna design; various dance form; teacher-student relationship and the Knowledge Tree; the age old practice of Yoga; carefully choreographed laser show and a spectacular fireworks which made us feel proud and stumped.
Closing Ceremony too pumped in the Spirit of Delhi with a great show put up by band which reminded me of my school band-group days, some interesting techniques of martial arts and equally good show put up by our musicians. The laser show again made me bite my tongue.The fireworks looked splendid from my terrace and made my neighbors run out of houses and enjoy the view in the sky.
And not to forget the 70 crore Helium balloon.
4. JLN stadium was awesome.
5. Unprecedented security.
6. The state of art CWG village.
7. The cheering and smiling people of Delhi.

The Bad
1. You could not prepare for this event in 7 years and tried to fix issues in 15 days when rains washed away all your false claims.
2. The filth you spread on our face and the world saw.
3. Attention was not given to athletes who are the real heroes.
4. And you Dr. Gill how happily you take away the limelight.
5. That you were unprepared in all aspects and made Delhi-ites suffer because of your mismanagement.
6. That you closed down the roads ; and we the people had to suffer...suffer and suffer.
7. Mr Kalmadi you are a big Sure-@$$ Comedy.
8. Ms Dikshit you have taken the credit of good things but you know what you have done.
9. Mr. Prime-Minister I am disappointed with you.
10. Mr. Bhanot; I have no words for you because you might say every individual in the world has different levels of feeling ashamed.

The Ugly
1. The games were not mismanaged; they were managed so nicely that all of you could up eat up our money and make it look as if you would just meet the deadlines. But Rain-Gods did you in and your plan was screwed; all of us saw through it.
2. You claimed to make Delhi a world class city. I haven't been to any other world class city so I cant compare it with any. But I know for sure; Delhi was better and beautiful earlier.
You built Bloody Rotted Terrible (BRT) corridors to ease out traffic problems. Do I need to tell you what it did to Delhi's Traffic?
3. You said you would smoothen the roads; but it takes only one day's rain to break your roads and mind you I am not talking about this year. This year God played with you.
4. That you increased taxes in the name of CWG and you put our money down the drain that leads straight to your multi-crore houses.
5. That you couldn't prepare in 7 years so you decided to divide our roads specially for CWG vehicles and made us suffer day in and day out. A 45minute travel now took 2 hrs just because Indians are tolerant people and good hosts so our great organizers got a simple solution to the traffic problem of Delhi. Screw the people.
6. That you made our daily lives suffer just because we are great Dil(li)walas.
7. That you have the audacity to say all is well and nothing is wrong.
8. That you will never admit that you cheated the entire nation.
9. That you let our country down by outdoing all scams and then making remarks that the world would mock at.
10. And of course negative publicity by Media which showed a skewed picture.

I dont know what to call these games : A Success because Sports succeeded or a Slap on the face that you conveniently hit or just a passing memory which I as a common person of India would conveniently forget in the daily grind of life.

A Frustrated Angry Sad Proud Ashamed and Confused
Citizen of India