Monday, June 24, 2013


Life becomes much easier when we try to accept who we are and what we have. If we start accepting ourselves with both our strength and weaknesses ; good and bad ; we shall be able to lead a much content and happy life.
These days I am trying to love myself; enjoy myself and trying to correct some mistakes i think i have made. I am trying to improvise on my nature, i am trying to be more polite, more caring and understanding and optimistic of situations around me.
I am trying to forget the hurt , the baggage that i have carried long enough in my heart. I am trying to stay away from situations which lead me to negativity and involve myself in things i enjoy doing.
I am hoping God will help me lead to a right path and give me opportunities to flourish.

I am trying not to judge others, not to think about things that have happened. Its not that there are no flashbacks ; but i am trying to replace bad thoughts with good ones.

I am trying to forget unpleasant things; its not easy to forgive and forget but its easy to divert the focus to other interesting and creative things i can do for myself.

I am trying to accept the fact that everything happens for a reason and everyone around us has been given some task by God which they will knowingly or unknowingly fulfill. I am trying to accept that whatever happens and whosoever is responsible is all God's plan and i can do nothing about it. 

I am trying to drill into my mind that my only job is to stay happy no matter what happens and do what i like and not to hurt others. In this course if i can be any help to someone i shall try. I have come to understand that if only i am happy then i can spread positivism around.

I am trying to accept God's plan for me ;whatever it is; i will try to enjoy it and be happy!

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Of being Liberated

Liberation means to show freedom from social conventions or traditional ideas. It is the act of trying to achieve equal rights and status.

This thought spurted in my mind as I was watching MTV Hero Honda Roadies Season X.
When asked whom you want to defeat ; Anirudh says Mohit or Gaurav. He said even though defeating Palak or Raman wont be easy but even if I win I wont get that respect ; defeating a girl and still there be some fingers raised.

Raghu retorts "ladkiyo tumhe aakhir kya karna padega equal status paane ke liye". Even though I am not an avid fan of Raghu but this is something that really hit the nail.

Firstly , I need to define the term equality. Equality means two people are treated with equal respect for who they are no matter how rich or poor, male or female; capable or challenged. Two people are appreciated for their respective qualities - someone might be a strong physically, other might have a good IQ; someone would be artistic and the other is a good cook. Someone handles emotional situation well and the other can empathize and offer solutions.

BUT people should be respected for being people; for being humans and not for being anything else. Nobody should be bound by conventions and be judged if they do not comply to norms. 

Equality means to treat each other well, to be considerate of feelings, to be open about other's ideas and not expecting the other person to be meek and submissive. 

Though I talk here about the gender inequality but this applies to all inequalities in general. For years there have been rules laid both for men and women. There have been conventions that the man will earn the bread and the woman will rear the family, than woman will sit cross-legged and the man will fold his hands in front of him while standing.

But how many times we have talked about rules for men and women. Its generally about the woman not doing a certain thing right and a man's right to ask for it? What about the times when the man simply forgets to adhere to rules and is forgotten and forgiven just for being a man. 

If the woman has to be reprimanded for not doing as per the convention says than so should be the man. Its high time we keep reminding both of conventions or keeping shut for both.

Its OK if a man cooks and its also fine if a woman earns more than his man. We are living in modern times where we as society have changed the conventions. We have woman contributing to the daily bread; doing the jobs which men were supposed to do. So we should also be flexible of the rules we lay. And when I say "we" it means both "men and women" and not just the man alone.

In the parliament when a bill becomes a law ; its being voted for by all MPs and its not just that only one person decides for it to become a law. What rules should govern the society should be discussed and then followed rather than the man himself deciding for himself and the woman.

Why is it that if a girl has an opinion; her opinion is crushed for her being a girl? Why is that the society rates a husband higher than the wife? Why is it that we as woman demand for equality? Why is it that when a girl gets married ; its a favor done to her by her husband and her new family? Why is a house only the man's and not for both. Why is it that marriage and motherhood the only goal for a girl and a job the only goal for a boy ?

Why should a girl learn cooking because later on it will cause problem for her and not because she likes to cook. Why  is that if the boy enters the kitchen every-one looks dazed? Why is it that if a boy is aggressive he is a fighter and stands for right and if the girl is aggressive she is labelled ruthless, unnerving and not so girl like.

Why is voicing her opinion raises eyebrows and a boy not raising opinion brings him brickbats? Why is that some jobs only suit men and some only women?

Why the same family has different rules for a daughter and a daughter-in-law? Why are daughters the burden and daughter-in-laws servants? Why is it that the husband gets to decide everything and the wife has to ask nth relation in the family if the color of the dress suits her.

Why is it OK for the man to drink and uncanny if woman holds the glass? Why is it that if a woman is it at home she is homely and if a man is at home he is lazy?

I understand certain rules were laid because that's how the society worked then; but if we as society are evolving our rules should evolve too. 

The only rule should be that everyone be treated with respect and dignity. Be it a man or woman it should be their choice of what they want to do; whether they want to cook or go to work. Whether they wish to drink beer or milk ; if they want to get married or have babies or just enjoy their lives being single. For every one's lives it should be their sole decision and the consequences should be their own too. For the matters that concern beyond individual there should be discussions and decision should only be taken after the consensus.

We as girls should stop demanding for equality ; to be respected we have to consider ourselves equals. We should stop demanding for reservations in jobs, public transports and any places that suit us. We should make ourselves capable and not beg for equality.

Liberation means to be educated; to be equal ; to be able to live with dignity ; to live a life of freedom from all judgement and to bear the consequences of all self made good and bad decisions.

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Quarter Life Crisis

Of late I have been wondering; what I am going through and then I stumble upon a phrase that remarkably defines my state of mind. Quarter Life Crisis.

In my late twenties; I really don't know how to look at my life. It has certainly not turned out the way I wanted it to be or has it? I am confused.

The Goods that have happened :
- Books, Studies, Gaining Knowledge, Learning, Growing, Evolving
- Taking up the challenges , fighting the fears that have haunted me the most
- To Love and To Be Loved Back
- To be married

I have come this far and these were the most and the only important things in my life and when I achieved all of it I realized Life is much more beyond that... Life is uncertain, unpredictable and very testing.

I was evolving as a person but then all of a sudden it stopped. FULL STOP. I am no longer interested in new things, I don't want to read/ write beyond my comfort zone, I no longer have the patience and neither the time to sit back and dream, think, analyse, wonder and cherish those small lil tini-wini things.

Fighting my fears have made me skeptical of everyone and everything around me. I have become superstitious, scared and a kind of nervous wreck. I think negative and attract it all around me. I stutter, dare not think beyond, try not to be different, talk minimal, and suddenly I have stopped having an opinion of my own.
I was a person who was cautious but never frightened, worried but never stressed, shy but not nervous. The one who had her own opinion, who knew of her likes and dislikes. I would ask for suggestions but was always confident of choices I made. I lived my life so as to never have regrets. I was an average girl who thought she was different - and that made all the difference.

I loved to read, sit back, relax, stretch and laze around, yawn with my mouth wide open and never concerned of who would be thinking about me. I never cared if I'll be judged; opinions never mattered to me. What mattered was what I thought about myself.

And here I am in the clutches of my own fears, fear of being judged, fear of not being myself, fear of having stopped dreaming, fear of not being able to think; of not being able to decide. Making a simple phone call to a friend sends me in analysis spree whether they would be busy, if at all they wish to talk and bleh . . .

I don't know if I want a career for which I have worked so hard, I am unsure if I want to start my family even though I always thought I loved rearing my kids. I don't know if I prefer cooking to reading; dancing to eating. I have never been so unsure of myself . . .

I want to have more dreams, I want to be able to decide,  I want to laugh out loud , to dance in the rain ... to be proud , to be lovely.
I don't wish to be perfect, I wish to be clumsy un-lady like... I want to write.... read a lot, earn respect and money. I want to travel the world ; eat like an elephant , try different things and end this state of mind I am in.

Friday, January 25, 2013


Meri nazar dhunde tujhe.... Tu aake thaaaamegi maaaaa
Tujhe sab hai pata...hai na maa

Miss u so badly mumma:-(

Sunday, December 23, 2012

I have dreams

I have dreams
some big small
hidden under the covers and on the walls

I have dreams
that tear me apart
I have dreams at the bottom of my heart . . .

-- Anonymous

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Happy Birthday - Bhai

"Memories of you and me celebrating birthdays with lots of Fun and Surprises, bring me a lot of happiness, even today with all the responsibilities in our life... Maybe we cannot celebrate with such fun but our bond, those memories are valuable to me... Remembering all those wonderful things that happened, I want to wish you on this special day - Happy Birthday!"

Today and every day I remember those days where you would play with my hair clutch and break it, make those funny stupid noises and distract me. Those days seem so fresh when I would irritate you by watching Hindi BollyWood Movie for the umpteenth time and would say "meine pichli baar poori ni dekhi thi" And the times we used to fight like India-Pakistan over the TV remote.

I miss those days when I would teach you and you would doze off. Do you still do that while studying? or MBA has altered you :P I am dying to see you waking up the entire night for studies... and even if you have started doing that I will never ever believe it.

Do you remember when you would come up to me and mischievously tell me you attempted just 50% of the paper in your final exam ; just before the day of result declaration. You would peacefully sleep and I would pray the entire night that you dont flunk ;) And the next day we were busy celebrating that you moved to the next class :D and you promising "is baar didi mei pucca padhai karunga... promise saare registers complete rakhunga" That never ever happened :)

But I always knew ; you were a CHAMP! Text Books were never your friend but stories, cricket would keep you glued. You were way smarter than me and I admire you for your sheer optimism, patience and hard-work. I was the one throwing tantrums and cribbing and you the younger one always taught me to be determined and ever positive. You never lectured me the way I used to do to you; you silently did your act and watching you I learnt that life has to be lived freely, completely with whatever it offers you.

When I got married, I never had to worry who would take care of papa and mumma; because I knew you are the more responsible of us two. I have never said it; and people might have a different opinion but of us two you are the more responsible, patient, loving and sincere child of the family.

I miss our wars, our heated exchange of words... miss when you would tickle me and cajole me and flatter me... I miss the days when we'd play badminton and fight on streets :D... I miss the days when we went for movies and eating out together...

I know times have changed and will change further. With our ever growing responsibilities we might not even get to talk for days or months but I know that you'll always be there for  me. I know you are the only friend, God has given me and there is no-one I can trust more than you.

I want you to know, that even though I have got busy with my life and am away from you; but I am near your heart. Everyday I think about you and pray for you. I wish that God gives you all the best in your life; not just because you are my little brother but because you are a sincere and a loving human being who cares for his parents, is loyal to his friends and is a kind-hearted noble man. You are just like "papaji" :)

Stay the way you are and remember I am always there to listen to all your worries, your secrets, be a part of your mischiefs and there to believe and support you in all your dreams...

May life be a rainbow for you with all the bright colors ... May you keep smiling always and may your God Sachin play a 100 more years...

Happy Birthday mere chotey motey bhai :)

Monday, June 4, 2012

Marriage - 1

Marriage (also called matrimony or wedlock) is a social union or legal contract between people called spouses that creates kinship. (Ref: Marriage). 
Sounds so simple! Eh!!

I am married for more than a year and everyday I get to learn something new which makes me unlearn what I had learnt so far ...Duh!!
As they say in India, Marriage is not between two people but between two families; a coming together and union of a set of people who wish that you grow in this institution and spend the rest of your joys and sorrows with each other.
Pretty Big Stuff ;)

Why is marriage important to me... I had always, like forever; dreamed to be married. I always imagined my life to be a woman juggling between responsibilities ; waiting for my husband to come back in the evening; making tea and enjoying supper with him and going for a stroll... holding hands. I have dreamed of my li'l ones running around and a home full of giggles and jumping on their dad when he is home... Awwwwwwwww 
Well! I have some of it turned to reality and maybe gradually everything will converge to what I once dreamed since I started dreaming :)
But over my tenure of being married I realized; REALITY is totally different than dreams. Its awesomely beautiful and awfully absurd at the same time and its making me understand myself and Him better. Like :

1. They say its important to have common goals in life for two people to get married : But how do you decide common goals. 
eg I keep changing my goals every year .... mmm month would be more precise ;) and He seldom changes them :D
One day I want to work; the other day I want to laze around. And he always wants to Work! Even on weekends he would ask everyone in the family "koi kaam hai to batao mei kar deta hoon" and I am the one saying "chutti wala din hai sojate hain; breakfast ki jagah seedha brunch karenge". And I am the one sitting at home all the time :D
 I postpone tasks and he sets reminders to finish everything on time . :(
He is sure of what he wants in life and I keep on saying mmm,ummmm
Wait a second; its not that he is wiser and hence has goals in life and I am stupider ... but I change frequently ; subtle changes based on impulse and he changes over a period of time and the changes are more tangible based on experiences.
Basically; I have come to conclude : You can look for small little common things like both like to travel ; the places of interest might not be the same. Sometime its his choice and other days its my-way. But its difficult to find a person with similar common goals and ideas of life. 
With our experiences past or present we keep changing and our ideas of life keep on evolving. Fate hasn't written everyone's destiny to be same than why look for some-one with same goals/ideas. If you have a basic liking and you can stand each other with their not so great ideas than its still OK to be together. Maybe one day you'll start thinking like them or they'll be like you or maybe you both will change.

Maybe we met in those times when our "goals" were same and bingo we fell for each other and now we have changed ;) 
Only thing important is to have mutual respect for each other's views and support their dreams all the time; whether you agree with it or not :)

2. Marriage is the union of two families and you have to love their family with all your heart.
I know I am barging in a risky territory. But its even difficult to love your beloved with all your heart how can you do that with entire set of families.
There are certain things I don't like about my dad and certain things my mum doesn't do right. My brother is not always at his pleasing best and forget them I can be one cranky person when I am not in the "mood" and yes there will be things that you'll find strange when you interact with your new family.So how can I expect him to love them as I love my family;  and LOVE naturally doesn't happen at first sight in case of families. 
They might eat different things; may have different customs and different ideas as a set of family and again it comes from their life so far. And when you start finding things different you get scared. You know whatever they are they are for the reason but you also feel since I was not the part of that "reason" why should I do the same.
I haven't yet come to understand this aspect fully and I know things do take their own time but I have learnt one thing : If you have basic respect for everyone's feelings and vice-versa and if you know how to treat the other person right be it family or stranger one day you will be able to love with all your heart. Till then respect and care will do.
I have come to a point of care, respect and attachment (in that order). Free expression and Love will follow; I believe.
Its important to do whatever you do with genuineness and believe that things will fall in place. 
P.S. I have learnt this from him so the credit goes to him; I am just trying :)

3. Marriage is of equals : If one person dominates the other wont be happy.
(I know there are abusive relationships and not all men/women are good. But I am talking my experience so pardon me the bad marriages examples. We'll have a separate post ) 
I think marriage is like a seesaw where both the sides are equals. Those people who understand and love each other ; no matter what their basic nature is; will never try to dominate or manipulate their partner. There will be times where he will win some arguments and at other times I will but what are we fighting for ? We are not fighting for property or money. We are fighting for each other to understand us better.
Sometimes we do take each other for granted; sometimes we are just too tired to understand and sometimes we just fail to comprehend and hence differences.  Equality is that both understand that other has a point; I hate that point and I might never ever agree to it but I have to listen. 
A marriage is not where only a man rules or a woman decides. They both rule; they both decide. You like non-veg and I am vegetarian. Lets go to a restaurant and enjoy both. I dont yuck at what you eat; you dont force me to try it. Maybe one fine day out of willingness I'll try your choice but right now lets enjoy each other's company.
Want to buy a car; I am clueless about model you decide; and I decide to get the color. 
Its not that we both decide always; sometimes you have more knowledge than me; I just have to believe you and the other times you just leave it to me :)
I think its important to discuss; every time opinions will not be the same but when we have to make major decisions in life we can consult each other and make the right choices. It could be yours, mine or some mid way but once its decided its "OURS"

4. Marriage makes you forget yourself.
It does bring changes and these changes could change you as a person altogether. But how can you be sure that it is marriage that changed you and had you been not married you would have been the same.
I was a very chirpy person; but today I am quiet woman. It doesn't mean I am not happy or forgotten myself. It simply means I talk my share with my husband and I get tired of non-stop chatting and I have nothing more to say. I am at peace with myself. I can load him with all my wise thoughts and weird dreams and then I doze off :D with him scratching his head ;) I just don't feel the need to talk to everyone. 
I used to write blog posts; I used to work; I used to meet friends. 
I have started writing now ... see I haven forgotten myself. I just got busy with life and understanding new family; these days my mind is free and words are flowing.
I dint like the work I did and I was not able to juggle between family responsibilities and work. I thought I would be too tired to do justice to the two. I chose my life over work and today I am working part time and enjoying the work I do. My situations have changed me; marriage was just a catalyst.
I used to meet friends : Hey! I still attend their weddings ; I still try to catch up on phone and emails and chats. But life is beyond meeting friends. It has become tough; I have to care for "OUR" parents and whenever I can I do take out time to plan out with friends.
Almost all are married/getting married sometimes it doesn't suit them and sometimes it doesn't suit me. It doesn't mean I have forgotten what they meant to me and the great times we had. I constantly talk to my family about the life I had. I miss it but I don't regret missing it. I chose marriage over my past. 
Marriage doesn't make you forget yourself; it brings changes that are important for you to move on in life and one day you will agree that these changes were important.

5. There are a lot of adjustments in marriage and its the girl who has to adjust.
Yes! things are difficult for the girl because she is uprooted. I know uprooted is a negative word. She has to move to a life full of uncertainties; unlearn what she has learnt so far; leave her comfort zone behind. Its a very challenging thing for a woman but that's how it works. The girl has to adjust to new circumstances; new ways of cooking food (or rather learn cooking - cz we girls today don't learn to cook in our maternal homes) ; learn a different set of traditions and customs. We have to stop reminding ourselves that "mere ghar mei to aisa hota tha" If we keep of thinking like that our life is a mess.
These things are not bad; yes a little stressful. Since we are educated we tend to question everything around us but our very sense of being educated makes us illiterate sometimes. I mean why question everything around you? Sometimes you used to blindly believe what your mother used to say; so why not do the same here. Sometimes in our own grumpiness we tend to forget that we are belittling a set of rules the other family has set. I  dint agree to it earlier but I have started to at least understand what my FIL says "there is order in every family and it has to be maintained". When I go to my maternal home I eat at their time; cook according to their needs; wake up and talk the way they do. Basically I am following their order so why defy the order of my own home ?
Yes! there are certain things that leave me stumped and bewildered and I don't think I'll ever agree to doing them but I have understood that if everyone else is doing the same thing; to be a part of family I have to fall-in-line. Else I will always seem to be the adopted one and never be able to make this house; home.
And you know what; families do change people do change once you show them you are trying to adjust. I never thought I'll be writing this but yes I am noticing there is more acceptance to my views and beliefs now. Earlier there was acceptance because they wanted me to be comfortable but today it comes naturally. Earlier they would give me gifts that they thought were good for me; today they buy me things which they know I will like :)
Remember; if there are adjustments from you they are also accommodating an entirely new person in their family. They have changed the way they sit; the kind of cooking style they were used to... if this has come the rest will soon follow.
Have I forgotten the boy :) Maybe he doesn't have to adjust initially but gradually with every changing minute; with every little demand of his wife; with her every changing expression he is changing. He is dying to make his wife  as comfortable with his family and him and he also wants to ensure the changes brought in by his wife aren't too drastic for them to handle. He has no-one to go to when none of the sides to agree.

Mrs Wife, Mr. Husband and The Families all have to adjust to change in order to be a happy unit.

6. LOVE is the basis of all marriages.
I first fell in Love with him before getting married to him. My mother din't love my father before she got married to him and I am sure my MIL too was scared to get married to a stranger.
But what I do for my husband is in no-way comparable to what my mumma does for papa or what MIL does for FIL. Our mothers never stayed for night in their maternal homes. It was very rare and none of my papa are such that they would stop them. They might show that don't like it but which husband likes his wife to be away even for a day? My husband; himself drops me home but I know he would prefer me to be with him. So do I. I am excited to go home and even more excited to be with him :D But still I go but our mothers dint. Out of LOVE; which was not there in first place.
I plan out my work; walk according to my husband's timings but our mothers would never plan. They would ensure all order in home and if there was some time left before the husband came home they would get themselves in order so as not to look tired. See! You cant do it everyday; if you don't love your husband.
The wives always protect their husbands and shield them; the husbands always bring gifts for their wives; ask if they have eaten food and crack a joke at them to see them smile. The love is unsaid but its always there. 
If you have fallen in Love and married him LOVE grows stronger and if yours match has been arranged LOVE just evolves. 

LOVE is the basis of all happy marriages.

7.  TRUST is the foundation.
Trust doesnt mean telling them everything. It simply means believing that they are thinking about you all the time and always trying to do something to make you happy. You just got to have faith whatever He decides; he'll place your interests before his. You have to know (by default) that She has focused her life on you and she will not leave any stone unturned to make you happy.
Trust means to be able to say you did something wrong and still knowing they wont leave you. It also means if you haven't told them something they will still believe there was some reason behind it. It doesn't mean hiding or planning it just means that I could handle it myself better so I dint let you know. I wanted to shield you from it :)
If there is TRUST between us LOVE shall prevail.

8. Marriage makes life easier.
I so want to hit the person who said that. grrrrrrrrrrrr
It does not. Yes now you have 2 reasons to celebrate; his birthday and your birthday. Yes the happiness is doubled but so are sorrows.
Earlier; he just used to have his sorrows but now my sorrows are his :( His heart aches to see me unhappy. And he is damn frustrated if he cannot do anything about it.
I am constantly on the edge to watch his health, his tiredness, his anger, his expectations from me and life. Its not easy. Or maybe I haven't still figured out.
Marriage requires a lot of hard work and effort. With someone by your side the responsibility is doubled; the only easy part is you have a punching bag on whom you can punch out all your frustration.

9. Marriage means happily ever after.
Marriage means bachchu life begins after this ;)
I mean in reality can there be a happily after. NO! There will be ups and downs in life and so will be in marriage. In difficult situations in LIFE we strengthen our belief in GOD and so in tough situation in marriages we have to keep faith in our spouse that He will make things easy.
He wont promise happiness always! For God He is a mere mortal but whatever he'll do ; in all his deeds he will try to make you smile and that's what Happily Ever After means :)

10. Marriage completes you as a person.
You have two eyes; brain; all limbs and a heart and you are a complete person in all your beliefs and values. Marriage complements the views you dont have and supplements you with thoughts you dont think. It gives you perspective from other's point of view.
I mean as I child it always used to be my-way or high-way but as a spouse we both find the way :)
Marriage brings to you the reality that as in marriage you cant always have your wishes complete so in life. You learn to adjust; you learn to agree; you learn to tolerate and you learn to vocalize your share of worries and dreams and hence the circle comes round and your life is complete.

This is what I have learnt about marriage and whats in it for me.
and yes I am happily(with all my share of difficulties and tragedies) married to an imperfect partner who tries to make life perfect for me.

Saturday, June 2, 2012

My Papa - My Hero

I  Love You Papa

I have never been able to say it but I know you understand my Love for you. I have realized my love for you from the day you married me off. I know its too late to realize your love for your own father but I am a bit silly you know that.

Today after going through so much in life I can exactly understand what you have always taught me; I can understand your emotions , your reactions, your anger, your love and your concern. I used to be judgmental on all your actions. I am sorry for being your critic. But today I feel I am becoming your mirror image. I was a rebellious kid and I swore that I would never be like you; but today I realize I am following your footsteps and you know what, I have begun the journey of knowing you - my father. 

You have an unshaken belief in God and I have inherited it from you. Though you get upset and low sometimes ; so do I. But you have this courage to accept life as it is and fight with all your will and I promise you Papa I'll always always fight.

Mumma used to tell me that I wouldn't sleep till you came back home when I was just one; and today I still sit up nights thinking about you and you well being. Somehow I have this maternal feeling to care for you like a mother would do. Today, as you are growing I feel you are turning into my baby :) and I want to pamper you the way you have pampered me. You are my King :)

You have been through a lot in life but you have never let us feel your pain. I have never seen anger for situations in your life; I have never seen you loose faith in God; I have never seen you ask Why. You just keep moving and I wish that you remain the same always.

Today you are fighting Cancer; a dreaded word for anyone. It can break anybody but it has strengthened us as family. Papa, we all are with you in this battle. We have been toiling hard and I know there will be tough days but we'll beat it. We will come out stronger. You don't show your pain, your angst, your fears and I hope these negative feelings never take a toll on you. I admire you for your sheer grit and determination and I am there for you. Always :)

I want to thank you for such a comfortable, healthy and encouraging upbringing. You have never differentiated me with bhai on the basis of gender and I feel lucky to be your daughter. You have taught me those math formula ; chemical valencies ; algebra and mechanics. You have taught me to write. You are a wonderful writer and you have given me your words. You have taught me to keep on praying and you will always be there in my prayers.

Thanks for marrying me to the person of my choice and loving and respecting him as your son. Thanks for not considering me as a "paraya dhan". Thank you for making my wedding a grand one and helping me in all the shopping. Thanks for buying me books for studying and motivational books to keep me uplifted. Thanks for always saying "sab acha hai"

You boost life in me every-day and I pray to God to give you a painless, disease free and full of love, long life. I wish to see my kids dancing in your arms; the way you used to make me dance...

You are my Super Hero and you shall always be.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

So much to love

This post is dedicated to my husband of a year and few months and my partner for life.
What would have been a better way to start a new beginning to writing than dedicating a few words to you.
I know I am crazy all the times, foolish sometimes, cranky and moody most of the times but you have the strength to bear with it all. You don't bear my tantrums rather enjoy my day  to day demands, and that's what makes you special.
The day I start behaving like a mature woman you delve in deepest of thoughts thinking whether all is well with me. You have kept alive the child in me. Smiling and loving me in whatever I do, helping me in whatever I cant manage or don't wish to manage. Being all ears pto my constant nonsense and cheering me in all that I wish to do.
I cant even imagine to do an iota of what you do for me. I just keep on taking all the love, all your emotions and never think about giving back to you.
Life has been tough on us, very tough. We have been waiting for good times but with you besides me holding me tight , I know happy days are not far away. With you around I dont have to ''wait'' for anything. Smiles will just stop by us seeing our love and belief in each other.
If there are actually 7 lives of togetherness of being husband and wife I'll always wish you to be the man and me the wife:)
I wont say I'll never trouble you because I tend to do it but I promise to care for you and love you in misunderstandings and  arguments, happiness, joys and sorrows. I wish to stand by you in all you do and celebrate all your smiles.
As there is So much to Love...

Back after a long hiatus

I have been trying to come back after a long long time. There is a lot to share, lot to write but today I am a woman of few words.
I hope its a start of new journey :)